A Return to Live Events

The COVID pandemic cancelled or postponed a great many things in people’s lives, from graduations and weddings to concerts and vacations. Another one of the many affected events was in-person trade shows and seminars.

With last year’s FNA 2020 going virtual, it’s been over a year-and-a-half since the thermal-processing industry has gathered together. That streak comes to an end September 14-16 when the 31st ASM Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition comes to St. Louis, Mo.

Sean Pavone/Creatas Video+ / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Heat Treat 21

Heat Treat 2021 is the premier conference and expo for heat-treating professionals, attracting innovators, researchers, influencers and decision-makers from around the world. This year's event will include:

  • 2 ½ days of face-to-face networking opportunities with approximately 200 exhibitors.

  • The latest research and industry insights offered during more than 100 technical presentations.

  • Continued co-location with Motion + Power Technology Expo 2021 with access to additional exhibitors in the co-located exhibit hall.

  • A VIP-guided industry tour.

  • Student/emerging professionals initiatives, including free college student registration, Fluxtrol Student Research Competition and the new ASM Heat Treating Society Strong Bar Student Competition.

Perhaps more importantly, the event signals a return to normalcy. While virtual events definitely have their benefits, they simply can’t re-create the experience of a live show. I’m sure Heat Treat 2021 is a welcome sight on the calendar for many readers.

Please check out our Heat Treat 2021 preview and the booth descriptions that follow. Have fun at the show, and please stop by Booth #1819 to say hello and see what Industrial Heating has to offer.

In This Issue

Much like the show itself, we hope you enjoy the content compiled in this issue. It includes a couple of informative columns and five feature articles.

Metallurgist David Pye discusses the causes and effects of distortion in “Technical Talk.” According to Pye, there are many reasons why distortion occurs that the heat treater must recognize. This applies to both ferrous and nonferrous materials.

And don’t miss “Washington Watch,” where Omar Nashashibi talks about the labor shortage. Regardless of the reason able-bodied Americans are not returning to work, employers and the federal government both know the worker-shortage problem is real. But what are they doing about it?

F &B Mfg. LLC provided a case study on industrial brazing with gold. Experiments were undertaken to develop the best process for brazing Hast X alloy for an aerospace application.

Another feature highlights vacuum sintering of stainless steels. TAV Vacuum Furnaces discusses how sintering parameters, and especially the atmosphere, can be optimized on vacuum furnaces to obtain the best-possible quality from sintered stainless steel parts.

A feature provided by Rolled Alloys asks the question: Is your precipitation-hardenable steel annealed or aged? This query is apropos to A286, 718, 17-4, 15-5, 13-8 and other precipitation-hardenable alloys. Find out the answer.

Reed Miller takes a page (or pages) from his Everyday Metallurgy book and looks at some of the common things found in kitchens to see how they are heat treated.

Finally, we provide the second part of Reed Miller’s question-and-answer session with Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor. The duo picks up their conversation about carburizing where they left off in August.

Enjoy September’s issue!


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