CASE STUDY: University of North Texas
A recent makeover of Sage Hall, the new Academic Success Center at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, was transformed into an inspiring space using Karndean Looselay. Photo: Karndean.
“We knew we wanted something durable and with a thick profile for installation over our existing subfloors,” said Kim Nguyen, manager of campus planning, facilities planning, design and construction, University of North Texas. Photo: Karndean.
To fit the contemporary theme of the space, Nguyen selected Colorado, a Karndean LooseLay concrete-look tile, for the classroom areas Photo: Karndean.
Karndean LooseLay’s thicker profile, acoustic properties and clean lines made it the right flooring for the project, Nguyen said. Photo: Karndean.
Three colors from the LooseLay Longboard range to be laid in a random herringbone pattern in the corridors. Photo: Karndean.