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Derrick Teal  I  Editor-in-Chief

Dress shirt, Forehead, Hair, Cheek, Chin, Jaw, Neck, Sleeve, Gesture

Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best

There’s always been a dichotomy about December that I find interesting. One the one hand, it’s a time for reflection on the year that was. On the other, it’s a time to anticipate the year that will be. I know, how Dickensian of me, “A Christmas Carol” much? But starting with the end of 2020, and possibly even before that for some, it feels like humanity and the year’s end are kind of like an old married couple stuck in a rut going through the paces.

Everybody thought 2020 was so bad that Netflix came out with a mockumentary “Death to 2020.” When 2021 wasn’t so great, the streamer came out with “Death to 2021.” When 2022 wasn’t so great, either, Netflix…did nothing. Even to them it felt like everyone was stuck in a rut going through the paces. Things are better with Covid, but it’s still around. We had one war continue in the Ukraine, and had another one start between Israel and Hamas. And then within the food and beverage industry, sales were the highest ever for some companies, but profitability was mitigated by some of the factors above on top of other issues. Oh, and with each passing year we get thismuchcloser to the tipping point that scientists say we won’t be able to fix climate change.

Right now you might be thinking, “Wow, Derrick, you must be a blast at parties.” Well, I wouldn’t know. I don’t get invited. If I did, then I’d like to think that I’d be able to explain my somewhat twisted thought process. I’m sure this isn’t an original idea, but I’m not going to look it up in case someone wants to give me credit for it: It’s easier to see the rays of light when you’re surrounded by darkness.

Covid is still around, sure, but it’s gotten so much better than it was three years ago. There’s been talk of us entering a recession for quite a while now, but it hasn’t come yet. Inflation has started to decline. Consumers are serious about sustainability, and companies, the real difference makers, are starting to focus on the environmental impacts of their processes. And despite the fact that profitability was down in the food and beverage space overall, manufacturers have seen all of the above and are investing what they did make into expanding production capacity. That’s what I see.

Here’s to chasing away the darkness with whatever brings light into your life. See you in the New Year. FE


DECEMber 2023 | Volume 95 | Issue 12
