In Technology
Top 25 Women
Mission Critical is excited to introduce you to the 2024 Top 25 Women in Technology. Meet Devin de Lange.
Title: Director of Implementation
Company: Colohouse
Age: 35
Education: Bachelor’s degree in family science; bachelor’s degree in computer networking and security; master’s degree in applied sociology
Organizational affiliations: Project Management Institute
Achievements/awards: Databank President’s Club 2020
Devin de Lange

What made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in technology?
When I graduated from school, I was a social worker, and eventually became a teacher. Over time, I realized those fields were not a good fit. I thrive in analytical environments with objective problems that need solutions. My dad has always worked in IT, and he continued to tell me over the years that IT would be a good fit. I started researching technology, and realized how vast of a field it was. The more I learned about the different fields, the more I felt called to it. When I went back to school for technology, the pieces fell into place. The mix of critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving skills, and need to constantly keep learning matched with my personality perfectly. I never looked back.
What inspires you to do what you do?
I am inspired by the challenge that each day brings. No two days are the same. Everyday, I get to work with a variety of different people across different walks of life and from different places on a diverse array of technical implementations.
What role does sustainability play in your life?
I try to make my choices with long term goals in mind, not only for myself, but for those close to me, my work environment, my organization, and the larger community. Sustainability sits at the core of my actions. Each action is decided by the long-term impact it has, with the focus being sustainable and has the most positive impact.
What is the most fascinating thing you have learned while working in this industry?
The most fascinating thing I’ve learned is that there is still so much to learn. It’s easy to get caught up in our own life bubbles and to become comfortable, but this industry pushes you to keep learning and stepping into the unknown to better your product and customer experience. It’s amazing that after learning so much, there is still so much more to learn.
What’s something unique about you personally?
My focus in life is primarily to have fun, and to bring other people into that. Life is too short. I’m of the mindset that if you won’t think about it five years from now, don’t give it five minutes of your time. I always try to bring my best most positive self to the table because if I can help bring sunshine to someone else’s day, I consider it a win.
What’s something unique about you professionally?
I absolutely love learning. About anything really. If I don’t know about something, I want to learn about it, and I’ll reach out to my colleagues to learn more or do my own research. I crave knowledge and information, and if there is a gap in my understanding, I work to fill it.
What’s your most admirable quality?
I believe my most admirable quality is my attitude towards life. I don’t get caught up in the negative or get stuck on the problem. I always try to see the perspective from a positive point of view and to look for solutions. I am flexible and adaptable to what those solutions may mean in terms of impacting me, as well.
Why is diversity, equality, and inclusion important to you?
I truly believe we only thrive if we are surrounded by people from different walks of life. I embrace diversity in all avenues of my life because I enjoy learning about differences and experiencing new things. Life would be dull without people, especially the knowledge and culture brought via diversity.
What aspect of the industry do you think has the most potential for growth, and, on the other hand, which aspect do you think needs the most improvement?
This, to me, is an easy one. AI has a huge potential for growth and could and should be used, but we need to be proactive in using it. Integrating AI into our workspaces, and having people learn to work with AI and use it as a tool versus fearing it is paramount as our world is changes and moving in this direction. I think AI having the most potential goes with us needing improvement in understanding it, adapting to it, and using it to our advantage.
When you imagine the future of the technology industry, what does it look like?
Technology is only going to get smarter, faster, and better. We must keep up and use it to our advantage. I believe the future of technology lies in people creating and managing a symbiotic relationship with technology – learning to hone it into what they need. In the technical industry we need to be at the forefront of not just creating new technology, but of integrating it into our companies. With the speed at which technology is changing, it will be even more important to proactively embrace new technologies and take steps to be a leader in embracing new technologies.