In Technology
Top 25 Women
Mission Critical is excited to introduce you to the 2024 Top 25 Women in Technology. Meet Paola Morales.
Title: Project Manager
Company: Rosendin Electric
Age: 27
Education: Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering
Achievements/awards: 2023 EC&M 30 Under 30 All Stars
Paola Morales

What made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in technology?
I grew up in a house full of engineers and my dad worked on the Electrical Industry for more than 20 years. That’s when my passion for technology started. Close to graduating from high school, I decided to study electrical engineering, and soon after starting the career, I realized how great and innovative this field is.
What inspires you to do what you do?
My family inspires me every day. Become the best person I can be, learn as much as I can learn and be better every day for me and others.
What role does sustainability play in your life?
I’m always intentional with the things I do, I buy, and I recommend. Sustainability is one of the focuses of my personal and professional life. I’m making sure we do what is best for our planet and our people, making the correct decisions in things we buy and we do on a daily basis.
What is the most fascinating thing you have learned while working in this industry?
That you can change the world by just being present and showing what you have to give. I never in a lifetime thought I could be able to develop my career in a different country speaking another language, but here I am! So sky is the limit and I’m a living proof of that.
What’s something unique about you personally?
I’m very extrovert and honest but funny at the same time!
What’s something unique about you professionally?
I love to be on time for everything. Never late.
What’s your most admirable quality?
My commitment.
Why is diversity, equality, and inclusion important to you?
Coming from a South American country and being a female, this is very important to me. I have been leading meetings, projects, assessments and always emphasize that it doesn’t matter how you look, or how you talk, just what you’re capable of.
What aspect of the industry do you think has the most potential for growth, and, on the other hand, which aspect do you think needs the most improvement?
Working for the construction industry, I’m sure this is the one that has the most potential for growth and at the same time needs most improvement. We’re still adapting all the innovative ideas in construction such as prefab, remote assistance, software to storage data, etc. But I think the other industries are adapting to this faster than us and we need to start pushing.
When you imagine the future of the technology industry, what does it look like?
Looks like a different world. Everyone is talking about technology and the innovative things we have done and how we can still improve. This is the way to go, this where the world is going to, becoming more efficient and improving the quality in our industry.