august 2023
Stone Column
Janelle Minghine
Something for Everyone
As I often mention, we try to bring our followers helpful tips to manage and grow their business in many formats, whether it be a written article, video interview or podcast. In this day and age, most people are always on the go and need to have information readily available and easily accessible. Some prefer to listen to a recap of recent industry news and events, while others still favor the written word. As an editor, I find it fun to work on these different formats and meet the needs of all our audience.
Photo by J. Kamery
In this edition of Stone World, our industry friend and 2020 Fabricator of the Year, Sandya Dandamudi of GI Stone in Chicago, IL, joined Jason Kamery and our another longtime friend, Evan Cohen, CEO and president of Quality Marble & Granite, based in Ontario, CA, to discuss importing stone. While Sandya brings the perspective of a fabricator, Evan runs a distribution business with two locations. Between the two of them, we hope this offers insight and helpful tips to those who import stone or are thinking about it.
On the tile and design side, we share an interview with Svetlana McCaw, a Canadian artist, designer and photographer living in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, who recently had five tile patterns patented. Svetlana shares her story of the process to obtain these patents, which is quite interesting.
This issue of our eMagazine also contains other content which we hope you find interesting as well. And once again, if you have a story or a suggestion you would like to share, I invite you to tell us about it. Whether you see me or Jason at a trade show or other industry event, or send us an email, we are always open to hearing new ideas.