stone column

2024: It’s a Wrap

jennifer Richinelli

group editorial director

As 2024 draws to a close, there is so much to reflect on. Our industry has been busy! From trade shows, conferences, educational events and receptions to the Stone Fabricator’s Alliance’s (SFA) Italy Tour and the Natural Stone Institute (NSI) Study Tour, our staff has reported on it all throughout the year. We have made it a point to get out and talk with industry members to learn what topics are important to them and which issues affect them the most. We have also stayed on top of the latest product introductions so we can share them with our audience.

One topic that has dominated the minds of many fabricators and other industry members is silica legislation and Cal/OSHA. The NSI has been working tirelessly on this subject. They partnered with the International Surface Fabricators Association (ISFA) to introduce two guidance documents for workplace silica exposure assessment assembled by the Yale School of Medicine.

These documents are available in both English and Spanish. NSI has also been devoted to providing silica training and certification courses for fabricators across the U.S. – encouraging all fabricators to provide the safest possible working environment for their employees.

And speaking of fabricators, we are currently in the voting stage for our annual Fabricator of the Year Award. We are excited to have six strong candidates who are all deserving of the recognition. Each one is an industry leader involved in various associations. They have not only worked to bring growth to their companies through innovation, but also credit their team in large part for their company’s success, as well as sharing their expertise and information with others to help educate for the overall good of the entire stone industry. If you have not voted yet, take a few minutes to watch the interviews with each nominee and cast your vote.

While this year was full of many memorable and informative times, we now look ahead to 2025. The International Surface Event (TISE) is around the corner. As always, we look forward to attending and reconnecting with industry friends and meeting new ones. Women In Stone (WIS) will be celebrating its 10-year anniversary. I’m excited to join them in their celebration when I am in Las Vegas. I am also eager to see what else is instore for the stone industry in the New Year!

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Silica by Jennifer Richinelli, BNP Media, Stone World