table of contents

december 2024 / volume 41 / no. 12

Stone Column
Resources, Options and Guidance for Fabricators

An industry leader sat down with a legal expert to ask pertinent questions regarding silica safety and what it means for fabricators.

Productivity and Capacity in the Fabrication Shop

Top Priority in Oahu, HI, heavily invested in a lineup of state-of-the-art equipment to improve its output and service in covering the Hawaiian Islands.

Fabricators Share Current Consumer Trends

Fabricators representing the Chicago and Utah/Las Vegas areas discuss popular material and application requests that are in demand.

Travertine and Porcelain Slabs Define Miami Retreat

The design of a residential property in Miami, FL, marries tropical modern architecture with its natural surroundings through the inherent qualities of travertine and porcelain slabs.

Technology Update

As outstanding scenographies, natural stones become the absolute stars of the interior design project: such is the design performance of granites, quartzites and marbles when backlit.

Silica and Slab Safety Certification

At the forefront of the stone fabrication sector, where the environment is fraught with potential dangers from silica dust and heavy slabs, the Natural Stone Institute (NSI) is taking measures to educate stone industry members about these hazards and offer certification training.

Brazilian Stone Industry “It’s Natural” Program Hosts Trade Press, Designers and Buyers for Week of Natural Stone Immersion

Stone World joined industry members from around the world for an excursion to visit the Cachoeiro Stone Fair and a group of Brazilian stone producers.

About the Cover:

The outdoor area of a palatial estate in the suburbs of Miami, FL, features a wrap-around patio, a 15- x 30-foot pool bathroom, cabana and garage. Peruvian Navona Cross Cut travertine, sourced from Andean Stone Company, graces the floors of the patio, gazebo, pool coping, flagstones and firepit surround – making for a lush and inviting living space.

Photo courtesy of Andean Stone Company and iUSE Photography

STONE WORLD (ISSN: Digital 2329-2822) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media, Inc., 550 Merrill St., Suite 200, Birmingham, MI 48084-4903. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. Copyright 2024, by BNP Media. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations.
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