One-on-One with Alexandra Niedbalski

For the design of the new Benson Hotel and Faculty Club in Aurora, CO, a palette of tile, quartz surfacing and some stone – along with other fabrics and design elements – created a soothing and aesthetically pleasing environment for guests, while also reflecting its natural surroundings

by Jennifer Richinelli

Alexandra Niedbalski, chief communications officer of Polycor, discusses the global stone producer’s sustainability practices, as well as her background and involvement in the stone industry.

Podcast, AlexandraNiedbalski, Headshot

Photo courtesy of Alexandra Niedbalski

Stone World, SW, Stone World podcast, podcast, SW Podcast, Alexandra Niedbalski
Stone World, SW, Stone World podcast, podcast, SW Podcast, Alexandra Niedbalski
Stone World, SW, Stone World podcast, podcast, SW Podcast, Alexandra Niedbalski

Photos courtesy of Polycor Inc.

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