MAY 2022

Exclusive Content

Farewell to an Industry Veteran

Dan Louis, CEO and founder of LPI, established his company in 1994 with the vision of helping companies become more efficient and employing American families. Stone World recently sat down with Louis, who shared some memorable experiences he has had in the almost 30 years he worked in the stone industry, as well as his thoughts on retirement.

Industry Talk

Dan Louis, CEO and founder of LPI

The Natural Stone Institute and Stone World collaborate to present regional one-of-a-kind stone industry events. These “Town Hall-”style sessions are tailored specifically to the attendees and aim to help those in the stone industry grow and develop by increasing shop efficiency, providing training resources, metrics for developing business plans and much more.

Stone Industry Education

June 9, 2022

Dynamic Intentionality

Seattle, WA

August 4, 2022

Take Your Organization

to the Next Level

Albuquerque, NM

July 21, 2022

Know Your Business

Bridgeport, IL

October 6, 2022

Topic TBD

Charlotte, NC

September 22, 2022

Town Hall-Style


Dulles, VA

November 10, 2022

Take Your Organization

to the Next Level

Sacramento, CA

Live trade shows and other industry events are now in full swing. Below are a few upcoming exhibitions and conferences to check out.

on the boards