MAY 2022

Stone Column

Staying Connected

Jennifer Richinelli

Jennifer Richinelli of Stone World, Stone World, Stone Column

Photo by J. Kamery

I am happy to say that I have been out-and-about quite a bit lately. I write this on the heels of returning from Coverings, and a few months before that I was at The International Surface Event (TISE).  In between traveling, I have had phone calls, Zoom meetings and email exchanges to keep up with industry members on various projects. What all of this has made me realize is that staying connected is important – and of course, nothing beats the in-person interaction that we all missed for a couple of years.

Not only has it felt good to reconnect with old friends in person, but attending trade shows and other industry events again has provided great networking opportunities. I have met new industry people who have stories and products to share with Stone World. I have also sat in on quite a few educational sessions, which have not only sparked story ideas, but also were valuable learning experiences.

On the topic of education, many companies and industry organizations have been diligent about offering virtual  presentations throughout the pandemic, and continue to do so for those who are still hesitant to travel or just don’t have the time. With technology and standards continually changing, it is important to stay in tune with what is going on in our industry. These education sessions – whether in-person or virtual – are an ideal way to do so. The more educated you are allows you to pass this information along to your customers.

Before I sign off, I have one more thing to share. As you scroll through this month’s eMagazine, you will find that we have a special section, which includes Contemporary Stone & Tile Design’s (CSTD) spring edition. A long-time sister publication of Stone World, CSTD is published quarterly and focuses on the use of stone and tile in both residential and commercial design. For those interested in more of the design aspect, we hope you enjoy the added bonus.

And as always, we welcome your comments and suggestions, so feel free to reach out to me if you have something you’d like to share at